Thursday, 8 August 2013

Tentacles Truncated of High Risk Merchant Accounts

Some businesses are perceived as ‘high risk’ if it has a enormous charge back rate and generally accept non card payments such as online payments, phone payments, etc.These types of businesses have more risk components than others such as,-

1) Telemarketing.
2) Online gambling and casino web sites.
3) Adult service providers.
4) Internet auctions.
5) e-cash businesses.
6) Advance booking web sites, etc.

Credit card processors normally impose higher charges for their services to businesses containing a high risk profile. Credit card processors facilitate safe and secure credit card transactions to high risk merchant accounts.A High Risk Merchant account is a distinctive account offered by banks to online businesses with high credit velocity or a business that has high revenue.

High Risk Factors- Following factors push the business into high risk sector-
a) poor credit rating index,
b) towering turnover,
c) customer dissatisfaction rate high,
d) money back policy,
e) susceptible business process exposed to credit card scams

Credit Card Processors- A label of high risk does not essentially mean that a business is isolated. These businesses get all the bless of credit card organizations.A credit card processing organization could help these businesses in a holistic way.Merchants are in a lookout for those agencies that work happily with high risk business.High-risk business normally charge a much higher rate for all of the processing solution compared to low risk businesses. The credit payment processor search for the following two factors-

•       Duration of business.
•       Amount of charge backs.

If the business runs well for a while, merchant presumes that one is adequate knowledgeable about credit card scams and can decipher a potential threat. Additionally, if charge backs are small, the processor presumes that the business of high risk must be doing everything right.Many a payment processing firms retain a reserve fund to guard themselves from possible loss.The amount vacillates with risk profile of the business and the corresponding market.

Safety Multiplied- If a business admits e-transaction payments by means of an ecommerce application, it becomes a happy haunting ground for scams and frauds. High-quality internet credit card processing companies maintain integral mechanisms in order to identify doubtful activities that likely to spawn fake transactions.The transactions can be put off for manual approval.Many credit processing organizations request customers or the industry to confirm the legitimacy of the transaction before handling any transaction.

Adds to Security-All the payment gateways create an Address Verification Service or AVS. This address is annexed with an order and evaluated with that of on folder for the credit card possessor. Doubtful orders are deferred for manual review.
Many internet credit card processors  supply advanced services such as IP address blocking, shipping address verification filters, IP shipping address mismatch filters, CCV handling filters, amount filters, etc. The more sophisticated and secure solution takes much higher cost.

Zero Scams- All credit payment processors are not tailor made to work with high risk businesses. But there are many processors who will charge a high cost. Among high risk businesses, credit processing agencies have a propensity to favor those who are in the business for sometimes with lower charge backs. Dependable and safe payment processing solutions lessen the risks of fraud and defend the business and its customers from any likelihood of loss.

Suitable Zone- Internet has made it possible to live in a society that is proficient to do business with people in countries throughout the world; as long as those people are living in the acceptable countries. Many credit card processors do not consider many countries to be good enough and generally do not authorize offshore credit card processing services. This has made the availability of goods and services harder for these countries falling outside the suitable zone.

Today’s anthem has been world is a global village.The value of credit cards is being felt all over the place.The acceptance of credit cards has multiplied the sales figures and revenue curves are found to be rising. In a global market, even if one is having excellent product portfolio, the customer will never come to pick the product from their territory.The marketing aspect is running the show.Often; the rules set by the processing organizations play a killjoy making us feeble.The requirement of a right processor is becoming inevitable in order to recognize the credit cards to the entire world.There was a time when the processing services were not accessible at all and when the gate was thrown open,it turned into a costly affair.Finding out the right processor with rational fee for processing services is the best possible solution to the high risk merchant accounts.


  1. Hello,

    Credit card processors normally impose higher charges for their services to businesses containing a high risk profile.A merchant account is a business bank account that accepts card payments. The merchant account also sets up the agreement between the business..

    High risk merchant account providers
